White House Honey Ale and What The Candidates Should Be Drinking!

by - 12:18 AM

For years we have seen political candidates on the campaign trail drinking beer in public to seem more in touch with the American people. But is beer really the drink of America?

Do voters resonate with candidates better if they drink beer, or wine? In 2006, CBS reported that Americans preferred beer to other alcoholic beverages. In 2011, Time Magazine reported that what Americans drink, whether beer, cocktails, or wine, was more about where you live than any other determinant. The article also sites demographics such as age and income as a factor in the decline of beer sales and the move towards cocktails. So what are the candidates that today put their fate into the hands of the American public drinking? Or, what should they be drinking?

Mitt Romney: The former Massachusetts governor comes well packaged with business acumen, a Harvard Law degree and a presidential look. But if demographics, which include financial standings are any indicator of what American’s are drinking, could Mitt Romney be a bottle of Budweiser? Hardly not. However, we can take Romney’s pretty boy image and mix it with a more suitable beer for a flavorful edge.

Barack Obama: The presidential incumbent, born in Hawaii and raised in Chicago has seen the mean streets and the mean beach. But, is this President simply a Yuengling? Hardly not. A graduate of Columbia University and Harvard Law School, where he was president of the Harvard Law Review, this candidate, while from less advantageous beginnings is no stranger to the finer things in life. So what beer cocktail would be fit for these battling Harvard Alums?

Behold, the Presidential Beers...

White House Honey Ale, the first beer known to have been brewed in the White House was established by Barack Obama in 2011. It all started with his personal home brewing kit and has spawned into three flavors, the Honey Blonde, the Honey Porter and the Honey Brown.

Samuel Adams is a classic American brew crafted by the Boston Beer Company and its associated contract brewers. The company name was chosen in honor of Samuel Adams, an American patriot famous for his role in the American Revolution and the Boston Tea Party, an ironic surname partner to the Republican party of today.

As a recommendation, we take both these American ales and create a cocktail called the Razzy Ale.

The Razzy Ale Cocktail

3 ½ (12-oz.) bottles of beer, chilled
¾ cup frozen raspberries
12 oz. container of frozen raspberry lemonade concentrate, thawed
½ cup vodka

Stir ingredients together. Serve over ice.

Garnish with lemons or limes if desired.

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